Maison Charlot

Gift Card



Buy a MAISON CHARLOT gift card for that special someone and let them select art they love from our unique and exclusive collection of art prints. 


First, select the amount for your gift card. If you wish another amount, feel free to contact us through the contact form. After the payment, you will receive a gift code by email that you can forward to the person you wish to surprise. The gift code can be used right away.


If you wish that the printed gift card is delivered to your home address, or to the address of the person you wish to give it to, please let us know the details through the contact form or by email at

The gift card can be used as many times as you like on the Maison Charlot website and is valid for up to one year from the date of purchase.

The gift card is non-refundable and cannot be exchanged for cash.

- The preparation of order and dispatching takes 2-5 business days.

Your art print will be sent in a protective tube, carefully slipped into kraft paper.

- Orders are shipped through La Poste, Colissimo service.

Delivery time 

  • France: 2-3 Business days 
  • Europe: 5-8 business days
  • Rest of the world: 7-28 business days 

You will be notified when the art print is dispatched and receive a tracking code. 

The moment when you receive your Maison Charlot art print it is gonna be an exciting one, but please do not rush and pay attention in the way you treat it. Fine art prints  are fragile and need to be handled with extreme care.


Impatient hands can cause damage, so be careful removing prints from the tube. Your print will be wrapped in kraft paper, so instead of touching the print you will securely grab the kraft paper and gently pull it out. Beforehand, prepare a clean surface where the poster will be placed. 


Your art print can be irrevocably damaged if you do not frame it properly. Try not to touch the surface of the paper, always hold the paper by the very edges with two hands. Have clean and dry hands, or wear cotton gloves if necessary. Avoid backing made out of ground wood pulp, as it is acidic and will discolour paper. Between the print and backing, place a thick peace of paper. 

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